• Svatmarama

    The Hatha Yoga Pradipika

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    This affordable, definitive edition of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika contains the original Sanskrit, a new English translation, and full-page photographs of all the asanas. The chakras, kundalini, mudras, shakti, nadis, bandhas, and many other topics are explained. This is the first edition of the classic manual on Hatha Yoga to meet high academic, literary, and production standards. It’s for people who practice Yoga, and for anyone with an interest in heath and fitness, philosophy, religion, spirituality, mysticism, or meditation.

    From the Introduction

    Over the last half millennium, one book has established itself as the classic work on Hatha Yoga—the book you are holding in your hands. An Indian yogi named Svatmarama wrote the Hatha Yoga Pradipika in the fifteenth century C.E. Drawing on his own experience and older works now lost, he wrote this book for the student of Yoga. He wrote this book for you.