This fantastical Christmas book introduces children to Befana, the iconic witch from Italian folklore, who steals into children’s homes on Epiphany Eve to fill their stockings with treats and signal the coming of spring.
I come from Forever and Beyond, flying on a witch’s broom. I come to fill your stockings. Make sure they don’t have holes or are mismatched or, worse, dirty. By the way, I have nothing to do with that clumsy oaf dressed in red with his herd of reindeer …
In this magical picture book, the all-powerful and unstoppable Christmas witch, Befana, shares a letter to children about what happens on Epiphany Eve, or the fifth of January, when she takes to the sky to deliver gifts to all children everywhere.
Befana is as fast as the wind on her broom, dressed in her warmest cloak. Jetting through the winter night, she cannot be seen, but all children know when she’s been there from her gifts of sweets, nuts, and dried fruit, as well as her most precious gift of all: new weather, water, and sun. Because, with Befana’s visit, “begins the celebration of Nature's rebirth.”
A gorgeously-illustrated celebration of witches, holiday traditions, gift-giving, and nature, Yours, Befana makes the perfect bedtime story at Christmastime for readers young and old. At the back of the book, comic-book-style panels share secret facts about Befana: how she came to be all-powerful, her magic skills, and her origins in Greek mythology.
“It’s useless to hide it: I love you all,” writes Befana as she signs her letter with “Yours, Befana.” Befana’s funny, fearsome, and ultimately loving letter is destined to be enjoyed by children and families every holiday season.